青春無晦 X 天比高 School Tour 2012 青春無晦與天比高合辦的 SCHOOL TOUR 不經不覺已進行了3年。 今年初至5月期間,天比高戲劇團的朋友和學會委員已到訪了11間中學表演話劇,並提供有關
read moreProject Torchlight
It is estimated that 1% of Hong Kong population are suffering from
psychosis. The annual incident rate is about 5 in 10,000. Therefore,
psychosis is actually not a rare mental health problem. Although good
recovery and outcome can be achieved with timely detection and
intervention, stigmatization from the general public causes stresses
and sufferings in patients and their families, as well as delays in
timely diagnosis and help-seeking. As the average onset of the illness
is between 20 to 25 years old, discriminations and misunderstandings in
the society also impede young patients’ recovery and reintegration into
the society.
The main purpose of “Project Torchlight”, implied by the name, is to lead a
way to hope and sunshine for the young patients. The public awareness
campaign aims to combat stereotyping and stigmatization through all
kinds of educational and mental health promotional activities in order
to assist patients’ timely help-seeking and actively coping with the
illness. Destigmatization also could help to rebuild young patients’
self-esteem and reintegration into the society.
A large-scale, long-term public awareness campaign with various
programmes is still underway, liaising and partnering with relevant
organizations or programmes. We hope that our efforts could lead those
under the shadow of the illness, especially youths and teenagers, back
to a delighted and hopeful life.
![]() 青春無晦大使謝安琪 Project Torchlight Ambassador: Ms. Kay Tse |
![]() 青春無晦大使陳奕迅 Project Torchlight Ambassador: Mr. Eason Chan |
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青春無晦 X 天比高 School Tour 2012 青春無晦與天比高合辦的 SCHOOL TOUR 不經不覺已進行了3年。 今年初至5月期間,天比高戲劇團的朋友和學會委員已到訪了11間中學表演話劇,並提供有關
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