香港人口中大約有1%患有思覺失調,而每年每10,000人中,約有5人會發病。因此,思覺失調是一種並 不算罕見的精神健康問題。如果患者在病患初期能夠得到及時的診斷,經過各方面的治療,大部分的患者都可以康復。可惜的是,社 會上對於思覺失調病人的各種誤解、偏見及歧視,對思覺失調病人及其家屬造成了巨大的精神壓力,使得他們諱疾忌醫,因此錯失了 最佳的治療時機。由於大部分患者的首次發病年齡均在20嵗至25嵗之間,若不及時求醫,患者將錯過寶貴的青春年華。

「青春無晦行動」,顧名思義,主旨在於將陽光和希望重新帶給年輕患者。活動將透過一系列有效的公衆意識教育活動,向公衆灌輸 關於思覺失調的正確知識,以淡化社會上對思覺失調已根深蒂固的誤解,從而減輕患者及其家屬所承受的社會壓力,協助他們更積 極地面對病情,及時主動地尋求各方的幫助。淡化標籤效應亦可以幫助思覺失調康復者更好地重新融入社會生活和重拾信心。

往後,我們亦會繼續策劃更多相關的宣傳活動,積極融滙各方力量, 逐漸淡化社會上對於思覺失調的標籤效應,希望能夠為活在 思覺失調陰霾下的病患者,特別是年輕病患者,重新帶來希望和光明。

Project Torchlight
It is estimated that 1% of Hong Kong population are suffering from psychosis. The annual incident rate is about 5 in 10,000. Therefore, psychosis is actually not a rare mental health problem. Although good recovery and outcome can be achieved with timely detection and intervention, stigmatization from the general public causes stresses and sufferings in patients and their families, as well as delays in timely diagnosis and help-seeking. As the average onset of the illness is between 20 to 25 years old, discriminations and misunderstandings in the society also impede young patients’ recovery and reintegration into the society.

The main purpose of “Project Torchlight”, implied by the name, is to lead a way to hope and sunshine for the young patients. The public awareness campaign aims to combat stereotyping and stigmatization through all kinds of educational and mental health promotional activities in order to assist patients’ timely help-seeking and actively coping with the illness. Destigmatization also could help to rebuild young patients’ self-esteem and reintegration into the society.

A large-scale, long-term public awareness campaign with various programmes is still underway, liaising and partnering with relevant organizations or programmes. We hope that our efforts could lead those under the shadow of the illness, especially youths and teenagers, back to a delighted and hopeful life.

Project Torchlight
Ambassador: Ms. Kay Tse

Project Torchlight
Ambassador: Mr. Eason Chan