思覺基金(Early Psychosis Foundation,簡稱 EPISO)於2007年成立,2009年成為註冊慈善機構。學會由一群熱心於思覺失調服務的資深專業人士、學者及社會人士組成,旨在透過結合研究及臨床經驗,與各相關組織攜手推廣高質素的思覺失調服務、專業培訓,及健康教育等活動。
Early Psychosis Foundation(EPISO) was founded in 2007 and registered as a charitable institution in 2009. EPISO consists of experienced professionals and academics in the field of early psychosis. The society aims to make accessible knowledge and experience gained from research and clinical practice to promote high-quality early psychosis intervention services, professional training, and public awareness programs.

People and Structure
Honorary President: Mr. Raymond Lee, BBS, JP, Mr. Edmond Lee
Chairman: Prof. Eric Chen
Secretary: Dr. Christy Hui
Treasurer: Dr. CW Law

Public Awareness and Education Fund
Chairman: Mr. Raymond Lee, BBS, JP
Chief Executive: Ms. Joy Kok
Vice-Chairperson: Mr. Vincent Kok, Ms. Jo Koo, Dr. Edwin Lee
Consultant: Ms. Linda Kuk Lam, Dr. Dicky Chung

Knowledge Development and Transfer
Chairman: Dr. May Lam
Vice-Chairperson: Dr. WC Chang, Dr. Sherry KW Chan, Dr. CW Law, Dr. Christy Hui, Dr. Gloria Wong, Ms. Jennifer Tang, Ms. Melody Xu
Consultant: Dr. WS Chung

顧問團 Advisors
Prof. Jean Addington, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Max Birchwood, University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Cecilia Chan, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Helen Chiu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Marcus Chiu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof. Siow-Ann Chong, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore
Prof. YC Chung, Chonbuk National University, Korea
Prof. Byron Good, Harvard Medical School, USA
Prof. Mary-Jo Good, Harvard Medical School, USA
Ms. Kimmy Ho, Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
Prof. Bill Honer, University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. SF Hung, Kwai Chung Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. KC Ip, Kowloon Hospital, Hong Kong
Dr. YM Ip, The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Mr. Frederick WH Lai, Caritas Hong Kong
Prof. Patrick McGorry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Robert Miller, University of Otago, New Zealand
Prof. Masafumi Mizuno, Toho University School of Medicine, Japan
Prof. Merete Nordentoft, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Veronica Pearson, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Pak Sham, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ms. Margaret Tay, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Mr. Johnny WK Tsang, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Hong Kong
Ms. Deborah Wan, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Hong Kong
Ms. Sania Yau, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Hong Kong

創會會員 Foundation members
創會會員由超過50名來自各界代表組成,包括病人家屬、醫管局思覺失調服務中心成員、非政府組織工作者、社工、臨床心理學家、護士、職業治療師、醫生、思覺失調早期研究組 (PSI) 研究員及相關範疇學者。